黃美珍選唱了這首One Of Us (Joan Osborne)

photo:joan osborne

創作女歌手 Joan Osborne ( 瓊‧奧斯朋 ),1963年出生於美國肯德基州,90年代早期在紐約大學就讀電影,並且在當地的俱樂部演唱,音樂原本只是她的與趣消遣,卻意外的讓她進入唱片圈。1995年正式發行了個人首張專輯”Relish ”(喜悅)。 “ Relish ”這張專輯,讓 Joan Osborne 真正嘗到了成名的滋味,除了在全球銷售超過300萬張的記錄外,也讓她在96及97年的葛萊美獎上獲得多項提名,包括了最佳年度新進歌手、最佳年度專輯…等年度大獎的提名,肯定了她的音樂成就。收錄在”Relish”專輯中的單曲”One Of Us ”,一舉獲得美國單曲榜冠軍,這首歌可以說是所有樂迷對於 Joan Osborne 最熟悉的一首歌,歌詞中簡單、直接表達出她的信念,迴盪在耳邊的吉他旋律,加上沒有太多修飾的演唱風格,讓人很容易被這首歌曲的坦率所吸引,到至今多年後,這首單曲依然是MTV及電台的熱門點


If God had a name what would it be?And would you call it to his face?If you were faced with him in all his gloryWhat would you ask if you had just one question?*And yeah, yeah, God is greatYeah, yeah, God is goodYeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of usJust a stranger on the bus Trying to make his way homeIf God had a face what would it look like?And would you want to see If seeing meant that you would have to believe in things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets (*)Trying to make his way homeBack up to heaven all aloneNobody calling on the phoneExcept for the Pope maybe in Rome(*)Just trying to make his way homeLike a holy rolling stoneBack up to heaven all aloneJust trying to make his way homeNobody calling on the phoneExcept for the Pope maybe in Rome 

如果上帝有名字,會是什麼呢?你會當著祂的面叫祂嗎?如果在祂的榮耀中面對祂如果你只有一個疑問,你會問祂什麼呢?是的,上帝是偉大的是的,上帝是和善的沒錯........ 如果上帝就在我們之中呢?像我們之中的流浪漢像公車上的陌生人正要趕路回家如果上帝有張臉,會是什麼樣子?你會想看嗎?如果說看了,你就得相信 天國、耶穌、聖徒和所有的先知努力趕路回家孤單的回到天堂沒有人打電話給祂除了羅馬的教宗以外努力趕路回家像顆滾動的聖石孤單的回到天堂努力趕路回家沒有人打電話給祂除了羅馬的教宗以外

參考資料 安德森之夢 

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